
The Internet of Things Research (IoTResearch) is a central hub for innovative research and collaboration activities with national and international research institutes and companies on IoT-based system design and deployment. It is colocated in the IoT laboratory of the University of Salerno.

It is equipped with 46 workstations for supporting research and development activities. The IoTResearch hub is formed by researchers (professors, PhD students, and post-docs), together with several Masters’ students. The goal of the IoTResearch hub is to move from theory to practice. Interdisciplinarity is a key principle of all research activities.

The current research activities focus on IoT resource optimization, sensor networks, context-aware, IoT security, vulnerability analysis, penetration testing, edge and cloud computing for IoT, Tiny Machine Learning, Federated Learning for IoT, and data analysis. Applications include smart homes, smart grid, e-Health, smart cities, environment monitoring, intelligent transportation systems, smart agriculture, UAV systems, etc.

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Key People

Scientific Offer

Thesis & Scholarship

Opportunities and topics for Thesis and internship experiences

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Lab Resources

MCU, IoT components, software, datasets, and study material

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Professional Opportunities

Internships, post-graduate, and Post-Doc professional opportunities

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